описание групп в Linux

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Группы в LINUX

Чаще всего на рабочих станциях и домашних компьютерах добавляют не-root пользователей в ниже указанные группы, чтобы дать доступ к оборудованию или функциям системного администрирования:

  • audio
  • floppy
  • lp
  • network
  • optical
  • power
  • storage
  • video
  • wheel
Список групп и их функции (отсортированно по алфавиту)
Группа Affected files Назначение
adm /var/log/* доступ на чтение к log файлам.
audio /dev/audio, /dev/snd/*, /dev/rtc0 Доступ к звуковому оборудованию.
bin /usr/bin/* Right to modify binaries only by root, but right to read or executed by anyone. (Please modify this for better understanding…)
camera доступ к цифровым камерам Digital Cameras.
clamav /var/lib/clamav/*, /var/log/clamav/* И Clam AntiVirus.
dbus /var/run/dbus/*
disk /dev/sda[1-9], /dev/sdb[1-9] Access to block devices not affected by other groups such as optical, floppy, and storage.
floppy /dev/fd[0-9] Access to floppy drives.
ftp /srv/ftp
games /var/games Access to some game software.
hal /var/run/hald, /var/cache/hald
kmem /dev/port, /dev/mem, /dev/kmem
locate /usr/bin/locate, /var/lib/locate, /var/lib/mlocate, /var/lib/slocate Right to use updatedb command.
log /var/log/* Access to log files in /var/log,
lp /etc/cups, /var/log/cups, /var/cache/cups, /var/spool/cups Access to printer hardware; enables the user to manage print jobs.
mail /usr/bin/mail
network Right to change network settings such as when using NetworkManager.
networkmanager Requirement for your user to connect wirelessly with NetworkManager. This group is not included with Arch by default so it must be added manually.
nobody Unprivileged group.
optical /dev/sr[0-9], /dev/sg[0-9] Access to optical devices such as CD and DVD drives.
power Right to use suspend utilities and power management controls.
root /* Complete system administration and control (root, admin).
scanner /var/lock/sane Access to scanner hardware.
smmsp sendmail group
storage Access to removable drives such as USB hard drives, flash/jump drives, MP3 players; enables the user to mount storage devices through HAL and D-Bus.
sys Right to admin printers in CUPS.
thinkpad /dev/misc/nvram Used by ThinkPad users for access to tools such as tpb.
tty /dev/tty, /dev/vcc, /dev/vc, /dev/ptmx Eg. to acces /dev/ACMx
users Standard users group.
uucp /dev/ttyS[0-9], /dev/tts/[0-9] Serial and USB devices such as modems, handhelds, RS-232/serial ports.
vboxusers /dev/vboxdrv Right to use VirtualBox software.
video /dev/fb/0, /dev/misc/agpgart Access to video capture devices, DRI/3D hardware acceleration (X can be used without belonging to this group).
vmware Right to use VMware software.
wheel Right to use sudo (setup with visudo), also affected by PAM.

При подготовке использован материал с сайта Archlinux.org

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